Wilhelm Stenhammar Till en ros / To a rose

In Classics, Songs, Songs in Swedish by Vogler & Lindqvist3 Comments

Till en ros  lyrics by Johan Ludvig Runeberg

O, du min källa sval,
o, du min ros så röd,
ros, som så snart slog ut!
Vem skall jag ge dig åt?
Månne åt moder min?
Har ju ej moder mer.
Månne åt syster då?
Fjärran hos maken hon.
Månne åt broder då?
Drog ju i härnad han.
Månn’ åt min älskling då?
O, han är långt från mig
bakom tre skogars löv,
bakom tre strömmars våg.

To a rose  translation by Hélène Lindqvist

Oh, you my spring so cool,
oh, you my rose so red,
rose that so soon opened!
To whom shall I give you?
Perhaps to my mother?
I have no more a mother.
Perhaps to my sister?
Far away with her husband is she.
Perhaps then, to my brother?
He went to war.
Perhaps to my sweetheart?
Oh, he is far away from me
behind the leaves of three forests,
behind the waves of three rivers.

Learn more about Wilhelm Stenhammar here.

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  1. Nice one! This is so moving. One of Stenhammar’s best, I think.

  2. Author

    Thanks! It’s one of my all time favorites!

  3. Oh my goodness, what wonderful splendid treasures you share with us! Thank you. This is so moving.

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