Widor, Charles-Marie La bianchina

In Classics, Songs, Songs in Italian by Vogler & LindqvistLeave a Comment

La bianchina  Tuscan folk song

Avete pur un pallido visino
che fa tutte le genti innamorare
parete sulla siepe gelsomino
e la bianchina vi voglio chiamare
E se voleste darmi un po d’amore
vi chiamerei la donna del mio core.

Donatemi una ciocca di capelli
che per memoria vi terrò sul core
voltate verso me quegli occhi belli
mi sentirete sospirar d’amore
se un bacio, angiolo mio, voi mi darete.

La Bianchina,   translation by Hélène Lindqvist

You have a pale little face
that makes all people fall in love
just like a jasmin flower in the hedge
and I want to call you my little white one
And if you would like to give me some love
I would call you the lady of my heart

Give me a strand of your hair
that I can keep as a souvenir on my heart
turn to me those beautiful eyes
You will hear me sigh with love
If, my angel, you will give me a kiss

Learn more about Charles-Marie Widor here.

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