W. Peterson – Berger Som stjärnorna på himmelen / Like the stars in the sky

In Classics, Songs, Songs in Swedish by Vogler & Lindqvist6 Comments

Som stjärnorna på himmelen… trad.

Som stjärnorna på himmelen, när natten faller på,
så tindrade hans ögon, så klara och så blå,
så röder var hans mund som rosorna i lund om våren.

Men skyarne församlades och solen vände bort,
ty livet liksom kärleken och våren är så kort.
När löven föllo av, de föllo på hans grav den tida!

Om alla träd i skogarne och böljorna de blå,
om all markens blomster hade fåglalungor små,
de kunde ej ändå min hjärtesorg förmå att sjunga.

Like the stars in the sky…    translation by Hélène Lindqvist

Like the stars in the sky when night falls
his eyes sparkled so clear and so blue
So red was his mouth like the roses in springtime.

But storm clouds gathered and the sun turned away
life as well as love and spring are too short
When the leaves fell, they fell on his early grave!

If all the trees in the forests and all the waves of the oceans
If all the flowers on the ground had small bird-lungs
They still couldn‘t sing my hearts‘ sorrow

Learn about Wilhelm Peterson-Berger here.

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  1. Thank you! 🙂 I will!

  2. Dear Fidi, dear Lionel, thank you for your support! And, yes, there will be more of P-B! 🙂

  3. Pure Beauty – the song, the voice, the piano!
    Please more swedish songs like this!

  4. Helene,
    Thanks for this (and for last week’s Peterson-Berger song). I was previously only familiar with his 3rd Symphony and the lovely Romance for Violin and Orchestra but he was clearly deeply sensitive to poetry and so a gifted composer of songs as well. And when they are performed as touchingly as this, one can only ask for “More, please!”

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