W. Peterson – Berger Längtan heter min arvedel / Longing is what I inherited

In Classics, Songs, Songs in Swedish by Vogler & Lindqvist7 Comments

Längtan heter min arvedel      by Erik Axel Karlfeldt

Längtan heter min arvedel,
slottet i saknadens dalar.
Sakta ett underligt strängaspel
tonar igenom dess salar.

Säg, vadan kväller du, klagande ström,
djupt ur de skumma gemaken,
du som mig sjunger om dagen i dröm,
sjunger om natten mig vaken?

Vem är den själ som i suck och i ton
andas från hemliga strängar,
ljuvligt som doften från humlornas bon
flyter på gulnande ängar?

Somrarna blekna och solar gå ner,
timmarna varda mig tunga,
rosorna dofta i vissna kvarter,
minnena viska och sjunga.

Klinga, du klagande strängaspel,
sällskap i drömmande salar!
Längan heter min arvedel,
slottet i saknadens dalar.

Longing is what I inherited    translation by Hélène Lindqvist

Longing is what I inherited,
a castle in the valley of missing.
Slowly a strange string music
resounds in its halls.

Say, why do you spring, lamenting stream,
out of the depth of the dark rooms
You who sing me to dream in the day,
sing me awake at night?

Who‘s is the soul that in sighs and tones
breathes from secret strings
lovely as the perfume of bumblebees nests
floating on yellow meadows?

Summers fade and suns set
the hours grow heavy
roses sing in withered gardens
memories whisper and sing

Sound, lamenting strings
company in dreaming halls!
Longing is my inheritance
a castle in the valley of missing.

Learn about Wilhelm Peterson-Berger here.

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  1. Author

    Thank you, Emily!

  2. I recently heard the compostision of Sibelius based on the same poem. The song by Peterson -Berger expresses in my oipinion much more the mood of the text. The interpretation is suberb in a dreaming, meditavive tempo

  3. What an atmospheric and evocative song (a wonderful poem too!) delivered, as always, with such character. I love it. FABULOUS!

  4. Znakomite wykonanie, pelne uczuc (Excellent interpretation, full of emotion. Es ist Formvollendete Interpretation, mit viel Emotionen)!

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