Rosas Orientales lyrics by Leopoldo Lugones
En una azucar preciosa
El confitero de Oriente
cristaliza finamente
tiernos pétalos de rosa
si con amoroso afan
yo tus besos cosechara
al saberlome nombrara
su confitero el sultan…
Mas, con arrogante copla
yo así le responderia
guarda tu confiteria
sultan de Constantinopla…
Roses of the Orient translation by Hélène Lindqvist and Juan Sancho
In a precious sugar
The confectioner of the orient
at last makes crystals
of fine rose petals
If I with loving care
were to gather your kisses,
if he knew, the sultan might
appoint me his confectioner
But with an arrogant verse
I would tell him
Keep your confectioner
Sultan of Constantinople
Learn more about Julian Aguirre here.
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We don’t know them yet! Will start checking asap. Thanks for the tip!
Beautiful, thank you! Wouldn’t this go well on a program with the Exotiska sanger of Sigurd von Koch! Would love to hear you do those sometime.