När du sluter mina ögon by Pär Lagerkvist
När du sluter mina ögon
med din goda hand
blir det bara ljust omkring mig
som i soligt land.
Du i skymning vill mig sänka
men allt blir till ljus!
Du kan intet annat skänka mig
än ljus, blott ljus.
When you close my eyes translation by Hélène Lindqvist
When you close my eyes
with your good hand
everything turns to light around me
like in a land of sunshine
You want to bring me twilight
but everything turns to light!
You cannot give me anything
but light, only light.
Learn more about Gunnar de Frumerie here.
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It’s easy to see this is one of your personal favorite songs from your delivery. Crystal clear, powerful voice with a moving piano arrangement by Mr Vogler!
Thank you for sharing.
Thank you, Lionel and Lukasz! It’s one of my personal favourites.
Hi Hélène – what a beautiful song – a strong flavour of a Fauré mélodie with just a hint of Rachmaninov in some of the accompanying harmonies! Deceptively challenging to sing, I reckon, despite it’s apparent simplicity. Thanks, as ever!
Wonderfull! The song was sung and played with great affection. Mood!