Emil Sjögren

In 19th Century, 20th Century, Composers by Vogler & LindqvistLeave a Comment

Emil Sjögren (1853 – 1918) was born and raised in Stockholm, Sweden. He studied music in Stockholm and was a close friend to many of the great artists of the time such as Carl Larsson and Ernst Josephson.
At the beginning of the 20th century, Sjögren spent much time in Paris, where Nordic culture was popular (think Ibsen, Strindberg and Grieg). No other Swedish composer was as “big abroad” as he was. Up until the turn of the century, Sjögren was very respected and loved by many other famous swedish artists, poets and musicians, but after he started to spend much time abroad, his fame lessened at home.
Most of his works are chamber music and the biggest part are some 200 songs. Great, Nordic-romantic songs with a strong french flavor in many different languages.

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