I have lost my turtledove…
Amy Beach The Lotos Isles
Music that gentlier on the spirit lies,
Music that brings sweet sleep down from the blissful skies.
Josef B Foerster Märchen / Fairy-tale
O, dream of golden days!
Josef B Foerster Der Gärtner / The Gardener
My heart fears and worries: you fool, this little tree is no yours!
The fruits now softly appearing from these flowers
My God, a stranger will come and shake them into his lap
Josef B Foerster An *** / To ***
What I owe you?
Golden days and dreams of happiness
Sigismund Thalberg Sommernacht / Summer night
And from endless dark faraway places
flows music, heavenly pure
all the trembling soft notes
sound right into my heart
Sigismund Thalberg Die Unglückliche / The sorrowful
Once the flowers of Joy
blossomed for you
every bud sending you
the gentlest greetings
Joseph Joachim Merlin’s Song
Rain, rain, and sun! a rainbow in the sky!
Federico Mompou Asserin, asseran
Asserin, asseran, the lumberjacks of San Juan
Arturo Toscanini Fior di siepe / Hedgeblossom
And without a smile of hope
my unknown love dies!
Ture Rangström Vinden och Trädet / The wind and the tree
The sun gets out of bed
her cheeks glowing morning red
Do you think I can be strict with you
even though you flew like the wind?
Ture Rangström Flickan under nymånen
He is young like me,
he is warm like me,
he is wonderful and strong like nobody