Augusta Holmès À Trianon

In Classics, Songs, Songs by Female composers, Songs in French by Vogler & LindqvistLeave a Comment

À Trianon     Augusta Holmès

Suivez-moi, Marquise,
Parmi les parfums et la brise,
Vers le Temple d’Amour
Qui nous sourit aux derniers rais du jour,
Suivez-moi, Bergère,
Parmi la mousse et la fougère,

Et les fleurs s’ouvrant sous vos pas,
Diront: “d’Amour, la mère
Est plus sévère,
Et Flore a moins d’appas!”
Venez sous l’aubépine rose,
Moins rose que ta lèvre éclose!

Permettez qu’enfin je repose
Mon front tout près de votre coeur!
Votre sein bat plus vite…
En vain votre regard m’évite…
Ta main si frêle est trop petite
Pour cacher ta rougeur!

Venez donc, Marquise!
Goûtons ensemble l’heure exquise
Car l’Amour vous a conquise
Et c’est la fin du jour!

To Trianon  translation by Hélène Lindqvist

(note: Trianon was the castles in the park of Versailles where Marie-Antoinette used to dress up as shepherds with her friends and play normal people; and a Marquise would be a noblewoman ranking above a countess and below a duchess,
if you didn‘t know already ) 😉

Follow me, Marquise
among the perfumes and the breeze
to the temple of love
that smiles to us in the last rays of daylight
Follow me, Shepherdess,
among the moss and the fern

And the flowers, opening to your footsteps
say: „The mother of love
is more strict and Flora has less charms!“
Come under the hawthorn bushes
less pink than your open lips

Allow me to finally
rest my head close to your heart!
Your heart beats faster…
You avoid my eyes in vain
Your frail hand is too small
to hide your blushing!

Come on, Marquise!
Let‘s enjoy this exquisite hour
as  love has conquered you
and it‘s the end of the day!

Learn about Augusta Holmès here.

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