Adolf Jensen O, lass dich halten, gold’ne Stunde / O, please stay, golden hour!

In Classics, Songs, Songs in German by Vogler & Lindqvist1 Comment

O, lass dich halten, gold’ne Stunde by Otto Roquette

O lass dich halten, goldne Stunde,
die nie so schön sich wieder beut!
Schau, wie die Mondnacht in die Runde
all ihre weissen Rosen streut.

Der Tages Stimmen fern verhallten,
nicht Worte stören, nicht Gesang,
des stillsten Glückes innig walten,
nach dem die ganze Seele drang.

So Brust an Brust, so ganz mein eigen,
so halt’ ich dich, geliebtes Bild!
Es rauscht die Nacht, die Lippen schweigen,
und Seele tief in Seele quillt.

Ich bin dein Glück, du meine Wonne,
ich bin dein Leben, du mein Licht:
was soll uns Tag, was soll uns Sonne?
Du schöne Nacht, entflieh uns nicht!

O, please stay, golden hour translation by Hélène Lindqvist

O, please stay, golden hour,
never again so beautiful!
Look, how moonlight
strews white roses all around

The voices of daytime fade
neither words nor singing disturb
the stillness and peace
that the soul so yearned for

Bosom to bosom I hold you
all to myself, beloved image!
Night murmurs,  lips are silent
And soul swell deep into soul

I am your bliss, you my pleasure
I am your life, you my light:
what would day, what would sunlight bring?
Beautiful night, don’t escape us!

Learn more about Adolf Jensen here.

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  1. Splendid. I have literally just this week come across this song for the first time sung by Lotte Lehman on an old Parlophone Odeon series record.
    I have been going through the record collection of a long-deceased family member.
    I now aim to find more about the composer.

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