Charles-Marie Widor Rude maestro / Rude master

In Classics, Songs, Songs in German by Vogler & LindqvistLeave a Comment

Rude maestro  lyrics by Aleardo Aleardi

Rude maestro del gentil sentire
e sovente il dolor
e il sa, farciulla  esperta nel patire
il nobile tuo cor.
Dai fuochi che squarciar la terra antica
il diamante usci fuor:
e la sventura una severa amica
che ci manda il signor.
E sa Lui solo perchè in questa frale
vita che vola e muor
essere debba a gli uomini fatale
necessita il dolor.

Rude master  translation by Hélène Lindqvist

Rude master of the kindest sentiment
there is often pain
and one knows, maiden expert in suffering
your noble heart.
From the fires that disrupted the ancient earth
comes forth the diamond:
and the misfortune of a strict girlfriend
that the Lord sends us.
And He alone knows why in this frail
life that flies and dies
pain must be to man
a fatal destiny.


Learn more about Charles-Marie Widor here.
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