Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari

In 19th Century, 20th Century, Composers by Vogler & Lindqvist3 Comments


Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari (1876-1948) was born in Venice the son of an Italian mother and a German father. He lived and worked happily in Venice as well as in Munich as a composer and professor for composition at the Conservatory Benedetto Marcello in Venice  (of which he was also the director) and later at the Mozarteum in Salzburg.


In the first world war, he suddenly found himself in the midst of his two home countries at war with each other, and moved temporarily to Zürich. He had to move to Zürich again, in the second world war, when his house was destroyed.

Wolf-Ferrari is most famous for his comic operas, which until the first world war were very popular and among the most performed operas in the world.

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  3. Hi Helene!

    I have a student singing these (all 4) and some Stenhammar songs on her senior recital. It’s been wonderful finding them on your site. Thank you for your gift to the universe! Regards, Christine

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