Heinrich von Herzogenberg

In 19th Century, Composers by Vogler & LindqvistLeave a Comment

Aristocratic Leopold Heinrich Freiherr von Herogenberg Picot de Piccaduc (1843 – 1900) first studied law, philosophy and political sciences in Vienna before turning to music. From 1861 on, he spent three years at the Viennese conservatory, studying with Felix Dessoff, who also introduced him to Johannes Brahms.

In 1868 Herzogenberg married the musically talented and educated Elisabeth von Stockhausen. Together they moved to Leipzig, where Herzogenberg founded the Leipziger Bachverein together with Philipp Spitta. In 1885 Herzogenberg began teaching composition at the royal academy of music in Berlin.

Herr und Frau von HerzogenbergDevastated after the early death of Elisabeth and his friend Spitta, he turned to writing mostly sacred music. He himself died of severe arthritis in 1900.

Herzogenberg’s early encounter and later his close friendship with Johannes Brahms had a great influence on his style of writing. Many of his songs are quite similar to Brahms’, but often more intimate and revealing. All songs composed after the death of his wife in 1892 are very sad and very beautiful.

You can get our CD with Herzogenberg songs here in our shop.

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