Agathe Backer Grøndahl Til mit Hjertes Dronning / To the queen of my heart

In Classics, Songs, Songs by Female composers, Songs in Danish by Vogler & LindqvistLeave a Comment

Til mit Hjertes Dronning  by P.B. Shelley, transl. to danish by Caralis

Skal vi vandre en Stund
I den dæmrende Lund,
Mens Fuldmaanen hist holder Vagt,
Jeg vil hviske, min Skat,
I den kjølige Nat,
Hvad jeg aldrig ved Dagen fik sagt.

Jeg ved Stjernenes Skjær,
Skal betro Dig en Hær
Af Tanker, som aldrig fik Ord,
Imens Nathimlens Glands, Som en straalende Krands,
Om din luftige Skjønhed sig snor.

Og naar Maanen fra Sky Over Marker og By
Udgyder sin sølverne Flod,
Vil mig fængsle dens Skin
Paa din Pande, din Kind,
Vil jeg knæle iløn ved din Fod.

To the queen of my heart   the original by P.B. Shelley

Shall we roam, my love,
To the twilight grove,
When the moon is rising bright?
Oh, I’ll whisper there,
In the cool night air,
What I dare not in broad daylight!

I’ll tell thee a part
Of the thoughts that start
To being when thou art nigh;
And thy beauty, more bright
Than the stars’ soft light,
Shall seem as a weft from the sky.

When the pale moon beam
On tower and stream
Sheds a flood of silver sheen,
How I love to gaze
As the cold ray strays
O’er thy face, my heart’s throned queen!

Learn about Agathe Backer-Gröndahl here.

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