Toivo Ilmari Hannikainen

In 19th Century, 20th Century, Composers by Vogler & Lindqvist5 Comments


Ilmari Hannikainen  (1892 – 1955) came from a very famous finnish musical family. His father and two of his brothers were composers and another brother was a conductor. After studying at the University of Helsinki, he became a pupil of Franz Schreker at the Musikakademie in Vienna, continued his studies with Alexander Siloti in Saint Petersburg, finishing with Alfred Cortot in Paris (1919). Returning to Finland, he taught piano at the Helsinki Conservatory and later gained a Professorship at the Sibelius Academy.
Hannikainens music moved from late Romanticism towards Impressionism. He also wrote film scores. Hannikainen drowned during a sailing trip in Kuhmoinen in 1955. Some musical colleagues considered his death a suicide.

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  1. “Hiljaa, hiljaa helkkyellen” is a Christmas carol included in “Kauneimmat joululaulumme” (Our most beautiful Christmas carols) published by Fennica Gehrman Oy. I have the lyrics. By the way, this song and lyrics are by P. J. Hannikainen

  2. Author

    Hej Thomas,
    kolla med Musikbiblioteket i Stockholm, de har nästan allt. Lycka till!

  3. Hej.
    Har blivit ombedd att sjunga “Det gäller” på en begravning men har svårt att finna noter. Har Ni eller vet Ni var man kan få tag i ngn utgåva?
    Tack för en fin inspelning!
    Mvh Thomas

  4. Author

    Hi Marzia, I’m sorry but I don’t have it.

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